Motorhome rental agreement without driver

Sardinia by van di Luciana Temussi s.a.s. with registered office in Sassari, viale Umberto n.26, VAT number and tax code 02944310909, in the person of Mrs. Luciana Temussi, born in Sassari on 12.29.1968, residing in Sassari in S.V. Crabulazzi Taniga Brusco 5/e, tax code TMS LCN 68T69 I452 C

hereinafter referred to as renter and/or hirer and as user and/or customer our contractual conditions.

Given that the user acknowledges and approves all the conditions described by the hirer, undertaking to respect their entire content and that the conditions expressed may be modified only with a specific written agreement signed between the parties. The user declares to have provided the renter with real and useful data for his personal identification and that the documents provided are all valid originals.

Given all of the above, the following is agreed and stipulated:


1. Object of the contract

The renting company rents the vehicle indicated in this contract to the customer - Pure camper with folding roof model Panama P10

The camper covered by this contract, unless previously authorized in writing by the renter, may also have the following drivers indicating the alternative driver in the relative form


2. Fuel and mileage

The camper is delivered with a full tank of fuel, the subsequent topping up of fuel will be at the customer's expense. Upon return, any missing liters will be charged as well as a supplement for non-refueling of €20.00; the mileage is unlimited.


3. Start, delivery and return of the vehicle

The rental begins from the delivery of the vehicle until the return of the same to the delivery point.

At the end the property must be made available to the lessee.

In the event of a delay in delivering the goods, the customer undertakes to pay 300.00 euros for each day of delay in order to compensate for the unwillingness to rent the undelivered camper again.


4. Extension of the rental 

If the Customer wishes to change the terms of the return, he must obtain the prior written consent of the renter by making a formal request at least 3 days before the expected return of the vehicle.


5. Vehicle status

The vehicle is in perfect working order, fully functional, with a full fuel tank and with all the documents required by law for road traffic and with valid insurance policies. The user is required to conserve and guard the vehicle and the documentation entrusted to him with care and correctness. The Customer undertakes to return the vehicle in the same condition in which he received it. The Customer declares that the vehicle viewed before delivery does not show any scratches or damage to the bodywork and internal parts of the vehicle other than those possibly reported with a specific note written in the body of the same contract by the renter.


6. Use of the camper 

The user declares that the delivered vehicle is suitable for the use agreed with the hirer.

The vehicle may never be driven:

- under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

- by a person without a driving license or with expired validity;

- off-road or on unsuitable roads;


7. Circulation

The Customer is personally responsible for the infringements committed to the Highway Code and will be required to reimburse, for the entire amount, the related penalties and expenses plus a charge of € 30.00 for the administrative management of the files.


8. Rental fee

For the rented property, the renter is owed a fee equal to the euro indicated at the time of stipulation of the contract; upon signing the contract, a deposit of 1,000.00 euros will be paid which will be released upon return of the vehicle after checking its efficiency.

The user undertakes to pay in advance the amount due under this contract. In the event that the user does not pay the rental fee, this contract will be automatically terminated and the user undertakes to return the goods to the lessor. The charterer will keep the sums collected as a penalty.


9. Ownership of the leased property

Ownership of the vehicle and any accessories always and in any case remains with the hirer and the user acknowledges that he will never be able to claim any ownership rights in any way. It is prohibited for the user to sub-lease, mortgage, constitute the vehicle as a pledge or guarantee in any form. If third parties exercise legal actions, seizures or executive acts of any kind, the user is obliged to immediately present and demonstrate with every document in his possession that it is a vehicle covered by the rental agreement and is obliged to notify the lessee of the fact within 10 day

 The user undertakes to keep a copy of this contract inside the vehicle and to show it to the competent authorities. If due to non-compliance with this obligation, the vehicle should be stopped or seized, the user will have to reimburse the renter for the amount of damage suffered in addition to the amount relating to each day of rental, except for compensation for greater damage.


10. Repairs

In the event of a breakdown, malfunction or defect, the user is advised not to use the vehicle, in order to avoid possible aggravations or damage to third parties. The user is required to immediately inform the renter of the fact. In the event that there is an urgent need for repairs, the user will be able to do so only and exclusively with the prior written authorization of the renter. The Customer undertakes not to make any changes to the rented vehicle.


11. Insurance coverage

The car is covered by the following insurance guarantee: Civil liability, roadside assistance, vandalism, theft, crystals and fully comprehensive insurance. The copy of the insurance policy has been viewed by the user who declares to be aware of the covered limits, deductibles and uncovered amounts which would remain his sole responsibility.


12. Liability

The Customer will be responsible for any damage suffered by the vehicle during the rental, except in cases of unforeseeable circumstances and force majeure. In the event of failure to return the car keys due to loss, a compensation of €300.00 will be agreed


13. Fines and contraventions

The user is responsible for the fines and contraventions for infringements of the Highway Code of the vehicle committed during the rental period.


14. Right of withdrawal

The user's right to withdraw at any time for any reason from the rental remains unaffected. In this case, the user undertakes to return the goods covered by this rental agreement.


15. Confidentiality

Both parties undertake to maintain the confidentiality of information relating to the activity of the other party. This obligation of confidentiality will not apply in relation to information that has entered the public domain. All in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003.


16. Governing Law

This contract is governed by Italian law. For anything not expressly provided for, the provisions of the Civil Code apply, and in particular the provisions of art. 1571, civil code et seq.


17. Jurisdiction

In the event of disputes relating to the execution of this contract, the Court of Sassari will be exclusively and without fail competent.


18. General provisions

Any modification to this contract must be made in writing and signed by both parties under penalty of nullity.